The "Jam in the Sandwich" approach to saddle fit

Looking at the whole picture, makes Montague Saddles different to most saddle fitters. With experience spanning classical riding, natural horsemanship, competitive dressage, rehabilitation of both horse and rider, and a technical understanding of both biomechanics and saddle fit, Montague Saddles has the skills to not only check and fit saddles but more importantly to look at the saddle as a dynamic “Jam in the Sandwich” between horse and rider. Getting the ‘Jam’ right is our opportunity to improve balance, movement and comfort. For some this may be the difference in competition marks, and others to help rehab a horse after injury or enable a rider to deal with their own asymmetries.

Working with Montague Saddles

We believe that the relationship between owner and saddle consultant is as equally important to that which you have with your other equestrian healthcare practitioners. Because of this, Montague Saddles offer a full follow up service, including remedial saddling help, regular saddle checks and flocking alterations. We are also happy to support you with telephone and email assistance in order to achieve and maintain the best results for you and your horse.

If you are a Physio, Farrier, Trimmer, Bodyworker, Vet, Nutritionist or Instructor and have a horse to refer, we welcome referrals in the Hampshire, Surrey, Wiltshire, Berkshire regions and adjacent counties.

Hear Julie interviewed by Mindset Coach Jenni Winter-Leach, explaining Montague’s holistic approach to saddle fit.


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Matrix | Riding off the horse

Matrix Riding off the horse, is a ground breaking unmounted biomechanics course co-founded by Montague Saddles aimed at all levels and abilities of riders. Our mission is to assist riders in establishing correct symmetry and movement patterns to enable them to be more self-aware, balanced, confident and straight on the horse.

Riders today want to know the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’, and we are all seeking that seemingly elusive ‘perfection’ of perfect balance and harmony between ourselves and our horse. Furthermore owners are more awareness of welfare and the impact on the horse their riding has and are looking for different ways in which they can improve their horse’s happiness as well as their way of going. Born from this is a new holistic and ethical riding approach which Matrix Riding off the horse is tapping into.

At Matrix Riding off the horse we provide an easy to understand unmounted equestrian biomechanics course that is inclusive to all. Our mission is to assist riders no matter what level to become more confident, balanced and straight by mastering correct riding body patterns.

Look out for 2024 course dates on our Matrix Facebook page.


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